Friday, September 6, 2013

Coffee: The Bold and the, well, junk.

It's 3:30 in the afternoon, on a Friday and I need a cup of coffee. Now normally, this isn't a problem. I go to the cupboard, grab the container filled with our *FAVORITE* coffee and make a cup, problem fixed. 

As I meander into the kitchen to make my afternoon cup of coffee, I remember why I didn't have a second cup this morning...

There's only enough...for one more cup. 

Do I make the last cup of coffee? Do I load my kids into the van and drive 17 miles to pick up a new bag? Or do I dig into the back, dimly light corners of the cupboard for the half bags that we all know, will never be used? 

Well. I can't possibly do the first, then Daniel won't be able to enjoy a cup tomorrow. He works hard, he should be able to have his favorite cup of coffee in the morning. The second option, yea right. And so I begin to dig...

Now I love Starbucks, but no way am I drinking decaf. Strawberry Shortcake?! Who comes up with this stuff? 
(Okay so it was on clearance and I had a coupon...had to try it. And actually I haven't. Daniel had a cup. Just one.) Pumpkin Spice, I can do that. But it's 90 degrees out...not Fall like. You cant have Pumpkin Spice when its blazin' hot! Also, I'm sure that bag is like a year old...
Okay. Mocha Swirl. It has a chocolate component, it's not great, but considering the other options...ill take it. 

This cup is for you Daniel. 

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