Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Year of Projects: A Knitting Post

There isn't too much to report this week as I worked solely on my friends shawl. I wanted to have this completed by the end of July so I could submit it in the Jane Austen Challenges on Ravelry, but with two days left in the month, this is looking less likely!

Since last Sunday, I added the second of four skeins and started the third on Friday. I finished the third skein last night (Monday) and am ready to start the final skein! 

I took this pic last night, I know it's terrible quality, but ill make up for it next week! 

No FO's this week, but hopefully next time!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Year of Projects: A Knitting Post

(I forgot to mention that the Year of Projects starts in July, not January!)

Knitting time was very minimal this week (as will be obvious when I finish a post about our week away very soon!). I managed to finish this little guy ( and discovered I know NOTHING about embroidery) for a friend's baby shower. 

Okay, actually, I gifted her the little bunny with no face and then took it back home to finish. I hope he is snuggled lots and by the time baby J pulls out bunny's face, I will be better at embroidery!

I started knitting the heel flap on my first pair of socks! So far I am in love with knitting socks and hope these go quickly! The pattern is the Vanilla Sock by the Knitmore Girls. 

(I missed the prime time to take pictures and I almost always use my phone to post; the colors of this sock are pink/camouflage)

I also am working on a shawl for a very dear friend of mine but I can't share pictures. I have 1/4 skeins complete. 







Bunny Blankie Buddy

Home for a Week!!

Earlier this year while Daniel and I talked about potential house projects, I mentioned really wanting the living room carpet ripped out. Throughout our 5 years here we have had 5 dogs (not all at once!), 2 kids, general wear and tear, you get it. And knowing there was hardwood underneath, I really really wanted the carpet out! 

And so last week, the kids and I drove back home while Daniel worked in the living room. (Which he did a fantastic job at!)

We spent time at the farm, riding semis and tractors;

Seeing uncles and Grandpa Scott. 

Playing at Grandma Tami's

We also went shopping with Grandma Tami one day, look at our clever way of holding our garbage! We attached it to the cart with one of those links, yep, brilliant!

We went out to the campground my sister runs and ran around with my nephew. 

We had supper at a delicious Mexican restaurant with my brother and step-mom. I forgot to take a picture, Aiden had reached a whole new level of crazy, but it was fun! 

We finished off the weekend with a baby shower for a high school friend. She has an adorable baby boy! And I somehow missed taking pictures of him! But here are the other kiddos playing! And a group shot!

A great week home!

Christmas in July

Every summer our town has its "Christmas in July" days. Our town is quite small so we have never really attended much. This year, however, we decided to go to the parade with the kids. 

Aiden was a little concerned at first. He wanted to "go back home inside". The parade hadn't started yet and we were using multiple tactics to get him to wait it out. Finally, once the Flag came by he was hooked. He loved watching ALL the fire trucks and ambulances drive by. 

THEN the CANDY came. I told him if he wants candy, he has to look at the people and wave. And he did. 

The guys from the local hardware store even came over and handed him a teddy bear. 

Which he loved and held tight. :)

He was a pro at gathering candy. "I need more candy please" was a constant phrase throughout the parade. 

Charlotte had fun too...

We think Aiden made a good haul!

(That's a very squinty smile, not a look of pain, promise.)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Year of Projects: A Knitting Post

I started a new blog because I wanted to keep our friends and family updated on our life and it's happenings. I like to think of this as a way to journal and document our children's milestones as well. I also want to write product reviews, crafts and Pinterest successes (and fails), etc. But of course, if you know me, I will likely continue to write about knitting.

Two years ago, I discovered a group on Ravelry (social media/pattern database for knitters and crocheters) where each participant makes a list of what they would like to accomplish craft wise over a years time. I joined and the past two years have always lost steam, at least when it comes to blogging about my projects. I decided to try again but I wouldn't make a list of projects, just a general list of categories and then see how they will up over the year. It appears many members of the group have taken this approach too!

Here are my categories: 

-I would like each member of my family to have one...that's 4. 

-I like the idea of shawls though am unsure if I can pull off wearing them. I still want to knit them though. 

-at least a pair

-to wear over leggings



Whatever Else??

Who knows what will happen this year?! Come back and visit once in awhile (hopefully most Sundays) and watch my list grow!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Swing Time!!

To say Aiden enjoys swinging is an understatement. He LOVES swinging! He cries so hard when it's time to leave the park. We knew we needed a swing this summer. 

Grandpa John to the rescue! My in-laws have two tire swings at their place and Aiden really enjoys them. I asked if he could make one for us and when my MIL came up to work in our yard (another post coming soon!) it was done! 

Daniel hung it up this afternoon. Aiden LOVES it! He hardly wanted to break to call Grandpa to say thank-you, so thank you!!