Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Summer Vacation: Day Eight!

We have 11 hours until home... Do we attempt to push through, no matter the cost, to get home? 

We left around 9:00 and drove on...Charlie and I fell asleep right away (I hadn't had coffee yet!) Apparently Aiden was throwing things at me and wearing his backpack on his head while I slept...

We made a quick stop for coffee (thank goodness!) and drove on. Aiden was kinda whinny (you would be too if you hadn't...gone number two for two days) so we stopped to run around Wal-Mart and do the general routine. Aiden finally went, so we picked out a flashlight as a reward. ;)

Had lunch in the van, kids napped, I knit, Daniel drove. We made a second stop for frappes and fries at McDonalds. Aiden went to the bathroom again and asked for a flashlight... Ha, no, nice try kiddo!

(Grumpy cat anyone??)

Back on the road... Around 6:30 the kids (and I admit, I too) were getting restless. We were....by Waterloo, IA I believe and the closest (and only) restaurant on our route was...McDonalds. Ugh. I didn't care, kids needed OUT! But of course, it was closed for renovation!! C'mon!! We drove onward and came across Pita Pit. Bam, done. 

Back on the road again, around 8:00. The kids and I fell asleep around 9:00-9:30. I woke up a few times, made sure Daniel was doing alright (2 energy drinks help with that!) and would fall asleep again. Somewhere around 45 min from home I woke up HOT! Easy solution, took off my fleece jacket. Wait a minute, it's still hot. I asked Daniel why he turned the air off?! He didn't...yep. The A/C went out in the van around Albert Lea, MN. It. Was. Hot. Then the kids woke up... NOT GOOD. We had 45 min left. Just 45 min. That's an eternity with two kids screaming and the temperature is 87 degrees in the van. Somehow I managed to calm them down and at 11:45 pm, we were home. 

Amazing trip! Great memories! 


  1. oh my GOD. When you wrote how the AC gave out... I about cried... and 45 MINUTES. OMG. I hope you had a cold beer waiting for you at home, because I am grimacing just thinking about those 45 mins. Ughhh!!! Glad you made it home safe!

  2. No cold beer at the Lichter house but maybe a cold Mt. Dewsky! :)

  3. This sounds like a crazy and fun trip! You guys are something else for taking 2 kids on a long road trip! If you're ever doing it again and want a free place to stay in KC, you're always welcome here!
